Editorial: You can breathe spring arrived!

After a long and cold winter, although with little snow compared to previous years, the first signs of spring are in the air, with cold mornings and afternoons, while the temperature rises at noon.

This does not mean that we are out of danger. As we write these notes, those in charge of reporting the weather inform us that this Monday, April 1, we will be hit by a storm that comes along the east coast. Its intensity will be according to how close to the east coast it passes. Expanding the news, the same reporter announces that on Friday we will have another with the same results. For our tranquility, the prediction for both storms is that it will be only rain but with strong winds.

These spring signs are what motivate most people to go out and start collecting what was hidden under the snow. It’s contagious! In its effort to keep the city clean, in addition to collecting garbage and recyclable materials, the City of Lawrence will begin its yard waste collection programs as well as street sweeping.

In addition, Groundwork Lawrence (GWL), reminds us that during the month of April, we celebrate Earth Month for which they have planned several activities beginning with the 6th of this month when they will have a workshop on ‘how to start your own garden’ (understand vegetable garden).

From April 22 to 25 – Earth Week will be honored with the planting of trees in Lawrence schools between Earth Day and the Day of the Tree. The sites include Arlington, Lawlor, Tarbox and Breen schools, as well as Head Start centers on Park and Andover streets.

If you are interested to know more about Groundwork, the work they do and how you can benefit, Groundwork will love hearing from you! GWL is encouraging residents to join their group of volunteers and also the authorities to enforce all current municipal ordinances on garbage and debris removal.

But all this effort will not be worth it unless we all take part in monitoring the violators of these ordinances. If we want to keep the city and its neighborhoods clean, we all have to take part, not only in cleaning and sweeping the same sites year after year, but by monitoring and reporting the offenders.

The Groundwork offices are located at 50 Island Street, Suite 101, Lawrence, Massachusetts 01840 and their telephone number is (978) 974-0770.

Call them, join them, you will not regret it.