Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: November 15, 2019

Elections notes It’s been a few weeks since my last installment of this column so I’ll give you a quick rundown of several items having to do with the recent elections. Problem with new machines […]

Merrimack River
Guest Opinions

Dirty Rivers 2

By Frank Bonet Quite some time ago this year, I wrote in regards to the pollution in the Merrimack River. I wrote how it was everyone’s responsibility to maintain its pollution-free. I wrote about how […]

Merrimack River in Haverhill. Photo Credit: Marc Lemay
Guest Opinions

Ríos sucios 2

Por Frank Bonet Hace algún tiempo hice un artículo sobre la contaminación en el Río Merrimack. Escribí que era responsabilidad de todos mantenerlo libre de contaminación. Escribí sobre cómo no usaría el río para nada […]