From My Corner: August 22, 2021

More lies from Kendrys

Last Monday, August 9th, a communication from Juan Jaramillo, Kendrys Vasquez’s chief of staff notified the public that “On Saturday, August 7th, he visited Lawrence General Hospital with a discomfort in his right ear. Upon consultation the Mayor was transferred and admitted to Tufts Medical Hospital in Boston for testing and observation. The Mayor is in good spirits, his tests are stable, and is expected to return home by Wednesday, at which point he has been cleared by his medical team to work with no limitations,” said the press release.

My response was sympathetic because I don’t wish ills on anyone but he left me confused.  How come he knew that the doctors would discharge him on Wednesday?

Sure enough, he came back to the routine of running the city and his campaign; then, on Sunday, at the Hispanic Week Parade, he walked the entire route without complaints on such a hot day.

Many videos show how his bodyguards, Joel Chalas, Franklin Miguel, Luis Santiago, Vierlo Acosta, and others, wouldn’t allow the public to get close to him saying that he is very delicate (I assumed it was in reference to the hospital stay.)

They were all sporting walkie-talkies or some sort of communication device attached to their belts.

Later in the week, the news of his whereabouts became clear to me.  Kendrys is so arrogant as to believe he’s smarter than the rest of the population and he was fooling everyone.  He forgets that he cannot go anywhere anonymously, not being recognized.  Some people were eager to tell me that the purpose of the Dominican Republic trip was to set up a system to control the absentee ballots

He has someone in DR who is organizing the absentee voters although there are no details as to how it will happen.  I only know the person in charge has Rivera for the last name.

Had he said that he was going home to campaign for votes, it would have been more acceptable than the lie about going to the hospital.


Is the pandemic over?

Everywhere you go there are signs for vaccinations.  The media is clamoring for getting a booster shot even if you are vaccinated and if we don’t pay any attention to those messages, we might think all danger is gone.

People go about walking, shopping, clubbing, and gathering the way we used to and the only sign of masks is on public transportation.  The fights taking place on airplanes become television entertainment in the evening.  People refuse to wear them.

Is it really over?  The lack of information in Lawrence is responsible for the numbers to be increasing to the level they were back in March of this year.

At the beginning of this year, we were at a positive rate of 19.77%.  The lowest recorded percentage was 1.46% for the two-week period ending July 17th but we are at 5.33%, similar to the way it was in March.  The numbers keep going up and we behave as if it’s over.

During the past few months, every time the City Council approved another large group event, I prayed that it doesn’t become another spreader.  No one talks about how many victims are in the hospital and the number of chairs on the Common has not been increased, so people silently assume there are no more.  The truth is that we are up to 254 deaths.

Although the Semana Hispana activities were subdued this year and many of their events were not held, I looked through hundreds of pictures online and I saw only one mask: it was on Kendrys Vasquez’s neck.  If our “leaders” don’t lead, cases will continue to increase.

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