Latinos for Education’s Statement on Supreme Court Ruling on Race-Conscious Admissions
“University leaders and policymakers must protect the progress Latinos have made on college enrollment and graduation, and remain committed to Latino representation in college”
“Latino students will soon make up 30% of all students in our K-12 schools. They are our future teachers, nurses, doctors and workforce, and it is in our nation’s best interest to invest in the talent and success of Latino students. This requires a national commitment to provide Latino students with equal opportunities in education, especially the opportunity to pursue a college education.
However, we know Latinos are vastly underrepresented in higher education in general, and at selective universities. They also face a myriad of obstacles in their pursuit of higher education. Additionally, some of the progress that Latinos made on college enrollment and college attainment was diminished during the COVID-19 pandemic. Today’s Supreme Court ruling overturning Harvard and UNC’s admission policies is deeply concerning and can hurt the progress Latinos have made in higher education.
We have seen the negative effects that restrictions on affirmative action programs have had on Latino students as Latino college enrollment dropped in California and Michigan after those states banned the use of race-conscious admissions. The initial conservative misinterpretation by campuses of what was allowed also contributed to the chilling effect on enrollment and recruitment. We cannot allow those negative effects to take hold again after this decision; therefore it is imperative that higher education leaders and policymakers send a strong message to Latino students that they are welcome in our nation’s colleges and universities. We also urge all college campuses, that are not open access, to immediately move to a holistic admission process that takes into consideration the lived experience of our students – which is allowed under this decision.
We further call on higher education leaders and policymakers to examine all the ways that their admissions processes may be disproportionately keeping Latino students from applying or enrolling. Universities and colleges must do the hard work to update these processes to ensure Latinos have equal access to pursue higher education.
The current exclusion and discrimination of Latinos in higher education is unacceptable. The Supreme Court handed the nation a setback today, but it is up to all of us to ensure that the fight for equity and equality continues because when Latinos succeed we all succeed.”
About Latinos for Education:
Latinos for Education is a national education non-profit organization focused on developing, placing, and connecting essential Latino talent in the education sector. The organization is mobilizing a network of skilled education leaders to ensure the voice of students and families is not only heard but factored into decision-making in schools, communities and education institutions throughout the U.S. The organization also ensures Latino education professionals have access to a nationwide network of peers as well as career and professional development opportunities across the country through the members-only EdCentro network. For more information visit: https://www.latinosforeducation.org.
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