On November 26th 1955 the teenagers of YWCA presented a play called Sweet Sally Brown. Mrs.John Vaalor was the producer and director. Aiding her asstistant producers and prompters were Judy Saliba and Mary O’Brien.
Stage managers were Donna Beshera and Joanne Gattinella.; Wardrobe, Marlene Meikle; Make up, Arlene Buonanno; Art Assistant Pat Cepulinski; usherettes, Mary Caldeira and Marylyn Campagna; refreshments, Sandra Zappala and Pat Capulinski.
The hostess was Duayne Shadeed who later becomes a teacher at LHS. The cast:: Ella Dupree, the principal at Haddon Hall played by Rita Maroun; Anastasia Cook, a teacher at Haddon Hall played by Mary Ann Barrett; Brooks Emery from the British Isles played by Trudy Torromeo; Dodie Bundy who never gets enough to eat played by Nancy Pooles; Nydia Marble who was crazy to act on stage played by Rosemary Salamaca; Monica Milner of the upper set; Mrs. Camilla Bond, Sylvia Bond’s socially prominent mother played by Janet Bardazzi; Sylvia Bond a young heiress played by Vi Rigoli; Sally Brown the charming young heroin played by the now Methuenite Betty Connor now Cavanaugh a retired Lawrence teacher; Delilah the maid played by Phyllis Lewis; Ivadel Parker ,a country girl played by Corrinne Solak; Mrs Jimmy Parker who has a score to settle played by Peggy Emmert who is now Peggy Sullivan of Salisbury,an avid tennis player and mother of Chris Sullivan who followed his dad the late great teacher coach and former Athletic Director Mike and Chris also is an educator at Central Catholic.
This play was a comedy in three acts and was performed by all girls. The YMCA was the place for all young girls to congregate and brought girls from all parts of the City in the fifties and still does to this day. Many of the young ladies of this group became cheerleaders and later on teachers. The play was a sellout and lived up to the billing of being a comedy.
This play at the YWCA on Lawrence St. was on November 26th 1955.