Theology Policies and dimension of faith of the mayor of the City of Lawrence, Brian DePeña

Theology Policies and dimension of faith of the mayor of the City of Lawrence, Brian DePeña


Tomás Núñez, ThD.

The theology of the political that we propose has as raw material the statements of the social sciences as a theoretical input for a scientific insertion of theology in the field of social transformations carried out by Mayor Brian DePeña in Lawrence.

I believe that Mayor DePeña’s faith and love for Lawrence is combined with his duty to continue the development of important, non-marketable, but priceless values such as love, friendship, compassion. and solidarity, which will allow the sustainability of a people to whom they have given themselves completely.

Political theology is a term that has been used in the discussion of the ways in which theological concepts or ways of thinking relate to politics. The term is often used to denote the thinking of believers seeking to live out gospel values over matters of political principle.

Finally, I think that: theology and public faith is a commitment between Mayor DePeña and the city, of dialogue, faith, and hope and especially with society in general. Brain DePeña, a man of faith, is a mayor who seeks the well-being of Lawrence and a just society for all by addressing issues of common interest to build the common good.

This is the Christian political theology that Mayor DePeña puts into practice, he speaks with society, he becomes one with the people of his city, maintaining the faith and hope of working for the progress and development of his people, especially those most in need.


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