Lawrence News

Judge Freniere’s Decision

Judge Freniere issued this judgement regarding the Museum Square Garage situation on September 4, in support of the tenants stating that the City must find adequate parking for them but not as they expected.  She […]

Lawrence News

Decisión del Jueza Freniere

La Jueza Freniere emitió este fallo con respecto a la situación del garaje de Museum Square el 4 de septiembre, en apoyo de los inquilinos que exijen que la Ciudad debe encontrar estacionamiento adecuado para […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: August 22, 2019

Be careful who your friends are Johnny Paredes was an employee of the Lawrence Public School system who made one mistake that got him fired. There are times when an innocent act of friendship could […]