From My Corner: November 8, 2021
Elections are over! If anyone believes that now is the time to relax, enjoy the world around us just because there’s a new administration, is terribly mistaken. While we can put the candidate signs away, […]
Elections are over! If anyone believes that now is the time to relax, enjoy the world around us just because there’s a new administration, is terribly mistaken. While we can put the candidate signs away, […]
Escuela Leahy La Ciudad de Lawrence recibió una notificación de la Autoridad de Construcción Escolar de Massachusetts (MSBA) indicando la cantidad que ha sido aprobada para la construcción de una nueva Escuela Francis M. […]
Leahy School The City of Lawrence received notification from the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) stating the amount that has been approved for the construction of a new Francis M. Leahy School. As expected, it […]
La identificación de votantes Durante muchos años, la gente de todo el país ha estado pidiendo que se implemente una identificación de votante adecuada, lo que ha provocado un caos que condujo a procedimientos legales […]
Preguntas y cálculos de la boleta electoral de Leahy School Por Frank Bonet Como todos sabemos a estas alturas, el Alcalde Interino Kendrys Vásquez ordenó que se colocara en la boleta electoral de noviembre una […]
Voter ID For many years, people all over the country have been asking for proper voter identification to be implemented, causing chaos leading to legal proceedings, and plenty of misinformation. The news also had reports […]
Leahy School Ballot Question and Calculations By Frank Bonet As we all know by now, Interim Mayor Kendrys Vasquez order to be placed onto the November ballot a question to increase taxes beyond the maximum of […]
El alcalde Kendrys Vasquez y CAFO Ianello toman represalias contra los bomberos Por Frank Bonet Un día, después de que los Bomberos de Lawrence del Local 146 respaldaran unánimemente a Brian DePeña, el […]
Mayor Kendrys Vasquez and CAFO Ianello Retaliate Against Firefighters By Frank Bonet One day, after Local 146 Lawrence Firefighters unanimously endorse Brian DePeña, Interim Mayor Kendrys Vasquez retaliated against the force by informing (through corrupt […]
¿Quién es el jefe? Algunos empleados de DPW recibieron instrucciones de ir a una determinada dirección para recoger varios camiones llenos de escombros de construcción como un favor para un residente. Se opusieron a la […]
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