GLTS Student Government Holds Coat, Blanket and Food Drive to Benefit Peers

Donations Focused on Helping Those Affected by the Andover/Lawrence Gas Crisis

In an effort to ensure all students had happy holidays and stay warm throughout the winter, the GLTS student government held its annual coat, blanket and food drive.

While members of the student government have always held a holiday drive, this year the group tailored their efforts. In response to the gas crisis in Andover and Lawrence, which left many families displaced from their homes, the drive focused on providing affected GLTS families with warm coats and blankets.

For six weeks in November and December, the student government worked with the guidance department to identify families in need, with faculty, staff and students donating new jackets and blankets, along with a number of food items. Each family in need received a box of goodies, which included everything from canned vegetables to snack bars, pasta, cookies and microwavable meals for those still without gas.

GLTS families received their coats, blankets and food items last week — in time to celebrate the holidays. GLTS was also able to donate additional jackets, blankets and food to the Lazarus House in Lawrence.

“We want to extend a sincere thank you to all the faculty, staff and students who donated to this drive,” student government adviser Catherine Rosenzweig said. “Every year we’re so thankful for the generosity of our GLTS community and this year is no exception.”