By Catherine Storing
Are you planning your New Year already? You know, the drill, “New Year New Me.” Sentiments like that one are popping up everywhere on social media and in personal conversations all over the world. I have done it myself. But if you don’t have your eyes checked you’ll wind up with an exact replica of the previous year. Stuck in the same place and doing the same old things.
What do I mean by having your eyes checked? I moved to the Merrimack Valley area just a few months ago; I must confess that the south shore of Boston is very different from the North Shore. But I can tell you that I am very excited about being in this area. I am excited because in the short period of time I have been here I have seen many cultural events and great things take place.
Events like a book fair, book signing, lower school drawing/construction contest, church services, businesses thriving and expanding, poets and writers, childcare and education centers, etc. ALL of that has taken place right here in the Merrimack Valley (and who knows what else happened before I moved here). Maybe you did not notice or see what has been going on here because the distraction of what you don’t see is getting in the way.
2020 will be here very soon and if we are not careful, we might have another year of seeing what we don’t have. I challenge you to see yourself and this area with new eyes. I actually dare you to see yourself writing books/novel/poetry, hosting or speaking at TEDx events, traveling abroad to speak, starting or expanding your business right here in the Merrimack Valley.
This area is rich. Rich in talent, color, family, love and hunger. A hunger to be and do better. I for one expect great things from this area. I come with lots of nerdy writing tools, resources and the desire to see our community thrive.
You will see me at local cultural events taking pictures and talking to the beautiful people in this town. Please say hi in English or Spanish. Either way I will greet you with a big island smile cause the future is bright baby. The future is bright baby!