The Annual Native American Pow-Wow is returning to Haverhill’s Plug Pond Recreation Area on Sanders Road the weekend of Sept. 7 and 8, 2019. Sponsored by the Massachusetts Center for Native American Awareness and the City’s Recreation Department, this family-friendly event has been hosted at the Pond for 31 years and has become one of most popular annual fall events in the Merrimack Valley.
It is an opportunity to immerse yourself in Native American art and culture while experiencing food, music, dance, crafts, storytelling and other traditions that are part of this popular cultural-educational event. Gates will open to the public from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. both days.
Bring a lawn chair and sit back and enjoy the various dance-style demonstrations inside the Circle. They will include the lady’s fancy shawl dance, jingle dress dance, grass dance, crow hop, lady’s traditional dance, men’s traditional dance and the Eastern Blanket Dance. Then we welcome and encourage the public to join in some of the inter-tribal dancing, especially the children. Native American drumming and singing is the background music for these dances and is the heartbeat of the event.
Drumming & singing will be performed by the Iron River Singers from Southeastern Mass and the Split Feather Singers from the Mass. and VT region. This years’ emcee will be Annawon Weeden, Mashpee Wampanoag, one of the most sought after speakers on Eastern Woodlands culture who previously worked at the Plimoth Plantation as a museum interpreter and cultural outreach educator. He will keep everyone informed about what is happening throughout the day as well educate the public on some of the local Native American history and the Eastern Woodlands Peoples.
Returning from last year will be The Kalpulli Huehuetlahtolli Aztec Dance Troupe, a professional dance group, who will perform ancient Aztec dances that honor centuries of Indigenous culture and tradition. Traditional dances revolve around cosmic movement and nature and are dedicated to animals. Among the dances to be performed is the White Eagle Sun Dance, an extravagant dance representing the eagle, cactus and the snake. Other performances may include the Deer Dance and if permitted A Fire Dance. All dances are accompanied by one or two standing drums.
The group will have tables set up throughout the weekend to answer questions between performances.
There will be plenty of activities throughout the day for children as well as adults. Loril Moon Dream and Peter White Fox will again set up their tipi and invite visitors inside to share and learn. They will also do storytelling and craft-making around the tipi at specific times throughout the day. Self-directed games will also be set up around the tipi. These games challenge a person on a personal level with eye and hand coordination. We invite everyone to give one of these games a try!
Kayak and canoe paddling will also be available free to all. Children and adults will be able to take a guided kayak or canoe ride around the shoreline of the Pond throughout the day. The Pow-wow Passport Program will also be available for children to encourage them to meet and talk with Native guides throughout the Pow-wow and document what they have learned.
Special craft demonstrations will be performed by Julia Marden, Aquinnah Wampanoag, Marlene Lopez, Mashpee Wampanoag, and Irene Strong Oak, Maliseet/Mi’kmaq descent. All are internationally known artisans. At the pow-wow, Julia will be set up to demonstrate 17th century traditional twined basket weaving. Marlene will demonstrate the fine art of traditional 17th century finger weaving. And Strong Oak will demonstrate hand-drum making. All three of these artisans will have their work on display and for sale.
There will be one 30-minute interactive workshop each day by Claudia Fox Tree, M.Ed-Arawak (Yurumein). One topic will focus on developing a counter narrative to inaccurate history and misinformation about the First Nations of this land, and the other will focus on Indigenous contributions to history and contemporary society. The workshop will address assumptions that perpetuate stereotypes and “twisthistory,” (misinformation about history), and explore the role of language. The presentation will begin around 11:30 AM each day before Grand Entry.
Stop by Mass. Center for Native American Awareness’ resource table for educational information, event flyers, newsletters, membership applications, and brochures. T-shirts and patches with the MCNAA logo will also be for sale.
Native foods as well as American fare will be available all day from Silver Moon.
Her menu will include three sisters rice (rice, beans, corn & squash), Indian tacos, fry bread, corn chowder, clam cakes and fry bread with strawberry and other fruit toppings, as well as hot dogs and beverages and a vegetarian plate.
Arts and crafts will be available for purchase from a variety of vendors throughout the grounds. Items include native jewelry, rattles, shawls, handmade children’s drums and more.
Suggested Donation
Adults: $5.00
Seniors: $4.00
Children 4-12 yrs.: $3.00
Children 3 yrs. and under: Free
Restrictions: No pets, no drugs, no alcohol, no coolers.
For more information: visit: mcnaa.org, call 617-642-1683, e-mail: mcnaa@aol.com