Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: May 1, 2021

Don’t be deceived by friends I heard a rumor not too long ago and decided to investigate because it was hard to believe. I have been participating in many meetings involving the St. Anne’s Church […]

Dracut News

May is Electrical Safety Month

May is Electrical Safety Month Help Your Home Keep Up with Modern Life STOW ‒ Fire officials announced that May is Electrical Safety Month and urge everyone to take time to make sure they are […]

Lawrence News

16va Gala Anual Marcando la Diferencia

16va Gala Anual Marcando la Diferencia La Secretaria de Salud y Servicios Humanos, Marylou Sudders, será honrada La congresista Lori Trahan es la oradora principal             A finales de esta primavera, Greater Lawrence Family Health […]

Lawrence News

16th Annual Making a Difference Gala

16th Annual Making a Difference Gala Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders will be honored Congresswoman Lori Trahan is the featured speaker   Later this spring, Greater Lawrence Family Health Center (GLFHC) will […]

Lawrence News

Estado fracasado Por Frank Bonet

Como ex miembro del comité de las Escuelas Públicas de Lawrence (electo, no designado), a quien los poderes querían remover para que pudieran crear toda esta fachada de administración judicial y junta de alianza, pido […]

Lawrence News

Failed State  By Frank Bonet 

As a former Lawrence Public School committee member (elected not appointed), whom the powers at be wanted to remove so they could create this entire façade of receivership and alliance board, I call for the […]