If we could choose, we would ask that it only snows in the mountains for the satisfaction of skiers rather than in cities, especially in Lawrence with its narrow streets, many triple-deckers, and no room to park cars off-street.
Although winter lasts for several months and there is no doubt that the month of February is the one that always brings us more snow and quite often, the most abundant snowfall. Remember the snowfall of February 10, 2015? So much snow fell on top of what we already had that Governor Baker authorized throwing it in the river, something that was not done in a long time, besides sending to the National Guard and equipment to give us a hand.
There is no doubt that every storm has its peculiarities. This February, and it is not over yet, it will be remembered as the storm that forced delaying the collection of trash and recycling, closed City Hall and its dependencies as well as schools, canceling school for two consecutive weeks.
Do not sing victory as yet because the weatherman is announcing another storm, this one directed to the State of Maine where it is expected to discharge all its energy although it is possible that we end up with about 3 inches of snow, on top of the 10 from the last two storms.
We want to highlight the magnificent work of the Public Works Department employees, along with the private contractors, who worked tirelessly during the days and nights that the storms lasted to keep the streets open and safe for the citizens of the City of Lawrence and its visitors.