Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month 2015
Hispanic Heritage Month 2015

We just celebrated a whole month of activities related to Hispanic heritage, from September 15 until October 15.  In the United States, companies hold lectures, presentations and fun events as well as education for their employees and the general public.  This is the time that the nation’s attention is directed to the positive roles and achievements of Latin Americans.

Apart from this month, the media and the general public seems to be set in the opposite.  Whether the border protection or undocumented immigrants, they rarely hear or read a story dealing with our successes.  Miami, Florida has become the banking capital of Latin America due to the increased population there that speaks Spanish.

Our colleges and universities continue to graduate Spanish- speaking students every year, some at no cost to them or their parents, thanks not to public charity but through grants that have obtained through their qualifications and who today are at the forefront of large corporations and occupy high-level positions in trade and industry becoming role models for our youth.

Let’s keep that image of success in mind as we deal with negativity.  Our contributions should not be mentioned only one month throughout the year.