Did you vote?

I wonder if you already voted as this edition begins to circulate at noon on Tuesday, November 8, Election Day, and often members of our community despite all the propaganda of candidates through different means, some of them are surprised that today is Election Day.

These are the people who do not care who it will affect their way of life for the next four years. Fortunately, there are not too many.

At the national level we have more than thirty competing candidates running for the presidential seat, but we will focus on the two that have occupied most of the national headlines, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

The first, former First Lady, former Senator from the State of New York and former Secretary of State. The second, Donald Trump, a businessman with no political experience.

The first wants to be the President of all and has declared that she will keep the legacy of our current President Obama. The second promises if elected, he will make America great again.

At the local level, the closest race is the chair occupied by the Democrat Barbara L’Italien in the 2nd District of Essex and Middlesex as leading opponent of the Republican Susan Laplante. 2nd Essex and Middlesex District covers Lawrence, Andover, Tewksbury and Dracut.

Niki Tsongas is the incumbent Democratic candidate for U.S.  Representative of Massachusetts’s 3rd Congressional District has as an opponent in the Republican Ann Wofford.

The Incumbent Diana DiZoglio, Representative for the 14th Essex has competition in Rosemary Smedile, small business owner from North Andover while incumbent Frank Moran, Representative for the Seventeenth Essex District is running unopposed.

In District 16, Juana Matias defeated the then-incumbent Marcos Devers in the primaries.  Being both Democrats and not having a Republican running, only her name appears on the ballot.

We do not want to enter in analysis; only hope that you had voted and voted for the candidate who most closely matches your way of thinking. If you had no candidate of your choice, hope you had left those spaces, but at the end of the day, you made yourself count!